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Bible Study and Bo Bo's.

Wednesday's are CBS days. And since James tends to get sick after CBS days, our nurse delicately and lovingly suggested that I not take him to CBS anymore...although it is a treasured morning of adult time...time for me...time when someone else is watching James...time to grow spiritually...time to regain a small measure of sanity...and she wants me to give it up?!?!?!?!?! Well, my sweet Mommy graciously offered to watch him so I could go. THANK YOU!!!!! It was a true gift and blessing. I enjoyed the time with my group and the lecture...and not having to feel antsy and squirmy about James being in the nursery.
His little bo bo is still not doing so great. He is still going commando for the better part of the day in an ardent effort to help it heal faster. Poor little guy. The waking up is the worst...waking up in the morning and from naps. It rattles me to my very core. He screams bloody dadgum murder and cries and throws a fit. It is awful. It takes both Brad and I to manage him. But when Brad is not here and I do it on my own, I am so flustered and undone by the time it is all over that I need a serious break. He may be tiny...but he is mighty.

But the good news is that he has gotten his appetite back. For lunch he had 2 yogurts, apple sauce, peach cobbler, green beans and rice, toast, and gold fish. This should make for an exciting diaper. I just pray it doesn't happen until Brad is home.
More good news. I got distracted and couldn't finish this post until tonight. The "more good news" is that the diaper didn't happen until after the hubs was home and he did the honors. He's THE BEST!

Let me preface this next video by telling you that I DO feed this child healthy food. I promise I do. It just seems far more interesting to video him eating the unhealthy food. Last night Brad and I discovered that James loves puffy Cheetos. A lot. And although they turn him (and his clothes) temporarily orange...I hate to begrudge the child something he wants. At least as far as food is concerned. He needs to put on some pounds so if he'll eat it...I'll give it to him.

And one last note. I was the excited and lucky recipient of a Longaberger travel mug from one of the blogs I regularly follow by my friends Betty and Mickey called New Mexico Mountain Retreat. I was totally excited because I really wanted one of these mugs and because I NEVER EVER EVER win anything! (ok...for the sake of being honest and accurate...I did win a cake one time at a cake walk at the school carnival in elementary...but that was the last thing I won). So THANK YOU Betty and Mickey for the mug! I love it and have already put it to good use. And it does indeed make my coffee taste better! I love it so much because it is pottery and not plastic or metal like other travel mugs. I find that the other kinds always make my coffee taste funky so I have banned them from use in our home. But the pottery ones are perfect! Should you want one of these lovely mugs (which you really do...I promise) or any other fabulous Longaberger product...check out Betty's Longaberger website.

Now this final video is not for the faint of heart...or faint of stomach. I actually gagged while recording did James. You've been warned.


Erin said…
Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately?) I can't watch videos at I will have to try to remember to watch these later.

Poor James! Have you tried an oatmeal bath? What kind of lotion and medicine are you putting on him?
Celee said…
I'm glad James is better! Lucie has been under the weather. I think maybe it's a reaction to her MMR of a coupld of weeks ago. I remember the same thing happening with Mia.
What a sweet thing to say and do! Thank you for posting our blog and my website!