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There's A Butterfly On My Brownie

I know this video is a little lengthy (4 minutes) but this is typical of what we go through when we serve James something he doesn't want for dinner.  Bribing.  Begging.  Threatening.  Pleading.  Tricking.  We try it all.   (And I don't know what was so darn funny to Jude in the background).
Jude on the other hand will eat anything.  And everything.  I've mentioned before some of the delicacies that he's snacked on...spiders, roly polies, leaves...well as of tonight we can add bird poop to that distinguished list.  Gross.  He definitely does not have the same refined palate that his brother has.  If he can get his chubby little hands on it, he will eat it.

Last night Brad got him up to feed him a late bottle and he just couldn't wake up for it.
But he ate it anyways.
Today Nana came and took Jamesie for some ice cream.
When he got home he played outside while Brad worked in the front yard and I cooked dinner.
Jude really wanted to go outside too and play with his brother.
So much of our life these days seems to be spent waiting.  Waiting on doctors.  Waiting on phone calls from doctor's offices.  Waiting on test results.  Waiting for paperwork to come through.  Waiting for good news.  Waiting for bad news.  In every area of our lives it seems we are waiting on one thing or another.  Waiting waiting waiting.  And I struggle with waiting.  But these past few days the Lord has reminded me of the value in waiting on Him.  And maybe the answers that I want will not come.  Maybe the Lord won't see fit to grant this request we are desperately seeking.  Maybe we will have to wait some more.  Abraham and Sarah waited for years and years to hold their promised child in their arms.  Noah built the ark, was scoffed at and then waited for the flood and then waited for the land to dry so he could leave the ark.  Moses waited in the desert for 40 years before God called him out to deliver his people.  If the Lord had told them how long they had to wait then maybe they would have despaired.  The Lord shields us from these things I think.  He knows our needs far better than we do.  Maybe His purpose in having us wait is to ultimately bring more glory to Himself.  Charles Spurgeon said, "Delayed answers to prayer are not only trials of faith; they also give us opportunities to honor God through our steadfast confidence in Him even when facing the apparent denial of our request."  The "denial of our request"?!?!?!?  What?!?!?!?  Can my faith withstand that?  Yes.  Can my sanity?  That's iffy.  Maybe the Lord has a different path in mind for us than the one we are praying for.  Either way, I do have a "steadfast confidence in Him"...whatever He chooses for us.

Psalm 37:7-Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for Him...

Hebrews 11:1-Faith makes us sure of what we hope for and gives us proof of what we cannot see.
