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My Little Monkey

James, Jude and I met Bonnie and Emery at the zoo yesterday morning.  Before we left I packed up the diaper bag, left it by the door, and went to get Jude.  When I came back, James had added at little something extra that he thought we would need at the zoo. 
Don't leave home without it.

We got to the zoo first and stopped by to check out the buffalo on our way to kill some time at the playground. 
Don't you think that a buffalo and a reindeer are a weird combo for a zoo exhibit?  I did.
Especially when they kept fighting.  I really would've put my money on the buffalo but he chickened out first.  I mean, when Santa Claus has your back, you must be pretty fearless.  Even buffalo want to stay off the naughty list.
So after all of that awesomeness we went to hang out at the playground for a little bit.  We found out that being the first kid on the playground means you get to dry off the slide for all of the other kids.  James slid down and into a puddle of water at the bottom of the slide.  When I turned back around he already had his shorts off.
Somewhere between the buffalo (again) and the lemurs I talked him into putting them back on.

The kids fed leaves to the goats. 
And this picture clearly identifies why I hate goats.  Creepy eyes.
And he snotted on Bonnie which was totally disgusting and RUDE. 

James was totally less than impressed with the tiny horse.
By the time we got around to the donkeys the kids were getting hot.  I think they were plotting their escape from the zoo.
I think this happy guy wanted to come with us.
Today we went to see Mom and Dad and they had gotten him his first car.  He was totally pumped!  And electrified.
And my little Judie Bug is doing great.  He's been super busy climbing the stairs and then falling down them, as well as standing up all by himself.


bonnie said…
That was a lot of fun! How funny was the goat snotting all over my hand?! That last picture of Jude makes him look so old! He looks like more of a toddler than a baby!