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Out And About

Today Brad and I took the boys to the pool.  James tried out a new swimsuit.
He loved having his Daddy there with him.
Because he does fun stuff like this...
Over and over again...
Until James is tired.
Mommy just sits on the side with Jude because he is a little freaked out by all the action.
He feels much safer here...strapped into his car seat and under the shade.
James was exhausted and ready to go home for a nap.  Brad and I realized this is a really nice perk to going to the pool!
After naps we were off to church. 
And Jamesie got to see his girlfriends.
I think I need to go a little easy on the sunscreen.  At least we can tell it's working.


Jen said…
Love James's swimsuit! I got the same type for the girls too, its SO nice, not to have to mess with blowing up the floaties and such! Let me know next time yall are going and we'll meet yall at the pool!
Anonymous said…
Lexie used to have a swimsuit just like that before she could swim! We loved it! Just a little extra safety net...just in case! :o)