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Oncology & Art

We had our appointment with Dr. Regueira today to clear up all of the chaos and confusion that Dr. Pass caused.  He was SO kind and patient (as always) and put up with me recording our conversation so that when I inevitably came up with a question 2 seconds after we walked out of his office, I could just re-listen to it.  Clever, no?  Plus...he totally did not laugh at me when I hauled in my jumbo binder full of Jude's records, as well as my legal pad and pen, highlighter, questions, and some hankies in case I started crying.  Again. is the bottom line.  Nothing has changed.  Jude is still stage 4s. thing has changed in regard to the protocol we will follow.  Jude doesn't have to have one of the scans every three months unless his numbers (from his lab work) go up.  We will still do all of the labs each month as well as a CT every 3 months.  We go back to Dr. R for Jude's monthly check-up and labs in 2 weeks. 

In one way it was a let down because it really would have been nice for Jude to be down-staged.  But on the other hand at least we have confirmation that everything is as we thought and we are on the right track as far as protocol goes.  If Dr. R had down-staged it, I would have wanted to do another bone marrow biopsy to confirm and I am glad Jude doesn't have to go through that.

I am wondering if it is common for the 2nd opinion to cause so much drama and confusion only to find out that the specialist/2nd opinion is wrong and the first doctor was right all along???  Are all "specialist" so snotty, condescending, and mean?  Or am I just spoiled by incredibly sweet, humble, and patient doctors here in Amarillo?

Now that we have that bit of business out of the way...

James finger-painted for the first time today and LOVED it.  We had to stop and wash his hands about 60jillion times.  Kind of defeated the purpose but so it goes with a type-a/anal/neat-freak/germophobe child.  We pushed through until he cranked out 4 masterpieces. 
He particularly loved his smock (an inside-out t-shirt).  He loved that he could rub his painty hands on it and not get in trouble.  Although he did demand that I wash it right away after he was done painting.  (I already had the sink full, ready and waiting to pre-treat and soak).
How do you dry your little artists' paintings?  I clothes-pinned them to the curtain hangy-down things.  Not ideal but it got the job done.  It was kind of tricky because he got paint on both sides (somehow).


Anonymous said…
Great visual with the big binder, pen, highlighter, etc. :) I can totally see you being prepared.

Ya know.. since you are finely wired and all. ;)
bonnie said…
The specialist we met in Houston was the same thankful we got Dr. Thompson instead! He is an incredible doctor but doesn't necessarily specialize in Neuroblastoma. glad you had a good visit with Dr. Regueira...that reminds me, I think we're due for an appointment! I need you to get me organized!