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Our hearts are heavy tonight for our precious friend and neighbor.  He has cancer and was supposed to have surgery today and it had to be postponed because it is worse than they thought and will require a longer surgery and an additional surgeon.  Please be lifting him in prayer as he meets with his doctor on Monday and then has surgery on Thursday.
Earlier today the boys and I ran to the grocery store.  When I was putting the boys into the car another mother was next to us loading her child into her car.  The kid was apparently not behaving the way the mom wanted and she yelled at him...loudly.  So loud in fact that James stuck out his puffy lip and started to get tearful.  I whispered to him that it was not him that was in was that other kid.  He whispered back, "Momma, hers real angry."  Yep.  Her is. 
Whew!  He was relieved it wasn't directed at him.
Last night I let James have some chocolate mousse after dinner.
He was a fan!
This was the picture from my kitchen tonight.  That is one sweet, doting, fun Papa!
Jude hearts his blankies!
