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A Home Run

First and most Mother made a delicious meal as always tonight but the dessert....OH. MY. GOSH.  It was a new recipe she tried out and I haven't stopped eating it since we got to her house.  The good news is that they are really thin and so you can eat several of them and still have room for more. 
They are called PRALINE BARS but that name does not do them justice.  At all.  And the recipe doesn't do them justice are just going to have to take my word on this one and make them right away.

Praline Bars
12 unbroken graham crackers (4 squares each)
2 sticks of butter
1 cup packed brown sugar
1 cup pecans, chopped
1 cup chocolate chips

Place the graham crackers in a jelly roll pan with sides.  Melt the butter in a saucepan.  Add brown sugar and pecans.  Boil slowly for 2 minutes.  Pour over the graham crackers.  Sprinkle the chocolate chips on top.  Bake at 300* for 15 minutes.  Cool for 10 minutes.  Cut into squares.

How easy is that?!?!?! When I was growing up my Mom would make a dessert called "Hello Dollies" and they are fantastic.  This tastes a lot like them.  But thinner so you can eat a whole lot more of them.  Hello Dollies have the delicious addition of Eagle Brand sweetened condensed milk drizzled over the top of them before you bake them.  I think I will try that with these when I make them.  I will let you know how that works out.  It could not possibly be bad...I mean seriously...Eagle Brand???  What is not to love?

So tomorrow Jude has his monthly appointment with his oncologist and for his lab work.  Of course, as always we are praying for good results and a good appointment.  To me it looks like he has grown so much and I can't wait to see how much weight he has gained. He is such a good baby.  He only fusses when he is hungry or having his diaper changed.  I think the Lord blessed him with his precious disposition to get him through all that he has to go through.  He is our little champ!
Brad's parents just got back from their vacation and they brought the boys back these little *Cleveland Indians shirts.  So cute!
*I have to admit...I only think it is the Cleveland Indians, maybe the Braves???  I know NOTHING about sports.  And Brad is asleep or I would ask him.  I don't know who Grady Sizemore is...I can only assume that he is #24.  And I can also assume that this would be a baseball team since Jude's shirt has a baseball on the back.  Pretty impressive reasoning skills, no?  Unless I am wrong then I will feel embarrassed and come back and delete this later when Brad fills me in.  He is from Ohio and all so I am sure he will know.


bonnie said…
Maybe you will see Emery and David. He's taking her at 9:30 for her appointment! Wouldn't that be awesome - Brenda's in for a treat!