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Our Weekend

What a great weekend we had!  We all got a lot of rest and are feeling much better.  There is still a lot of coughing going on but that usually lingers forever.  Any ideas for that?  Seriously.  I'm open.  So. Sick. Of. Coughing.  Sometimes home remedies are the best.  Like when I was pregnant with Jude I was so nauseated all the time and my friend Carol told me to drink hot lemonade.  Not only was it totally yum, it worked like a charm!  So...who has a cure for the never-ending cough?
Anyways...that was sort of random.
Today we had a delicious lunch at Mom and Dad's complete with a homemade chocolate cream pie and a pineapple cream pie for dessert!  YUM!  I love our Sunday lunches with my parents.  I love the memories that we are building for the boys too.
Later I was talking on the phone to my Mom and packing Brad's lunch bag for tomorrow.  I was washing a nectarine to put in and James walked right up to me, took it right out of my hands, and ate it.  Little thief.  He called it a "neggareen".
He had trouble keeping his brother off of it.
Finally Jude lost interest and went to do some reading.
And vacuuming.

I had such a great day with all of my guys!

Tonight is the first night for James and Jude to share a room!  I've been dreading this. wasn't too bad.  They played and talked for about an hour before falling asleep.  Jude kept trying to go to sleep but James would yell at him, "Judie Bug!  Where are you!  Judie Bug!  Wake up!  I'm your big brother!"  Then Jude would stand up and they would reach across and hold hands. So cute.  We watched them for a long time on the monitor.  This is the best I could do to get both of them in the picture.
At least they are both asleep.  We will see how long it lasts.


Anonymous said…
Awww, it sounds like ya'll had a great weekend! I really need one like that that isn't packed full of 30 different things to do! :o)

Hot lemonade for nausea? I've never heard of that, but I guess it's worth trying. I really don't have any ideas for getting rid of a cough. Sorry. :o( Those do always hang around forever!!
Jodie said…
Looks like a nice weekend!! I've heard of drinking hot carrot juice! I haven't tried it, but I hear it helps!!