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Things Change

Jude celebrated moving up to a forward-facing big boy seat today!  Yay Jude!  He enjoyed the view.
Today was Brad's last day at the Boy Scouts of America!  Finally!!!  When he got home he had to finish up some paperwork for his new job.  It required a lot of deep concentration and thought and focus.  All of those are things are pretty much 100% impossible to do with 2 children (and your chatty wife) in the house.  So I corralled the children upstairs and sat down to feed Jude.  I noticed that he was piping hot.  Jude always seems to feel a little hot but this time he was hot-hot.  Like a little oven. I took his temp and it was 102.2.  Yikes! 

When you have a child with cancer they drill it into your head that you have to call the oncologist immediately if he runs a fever.  So after flipping out for half a second I called our pediatrician.  (Clearly they didn't drill hard enough...I'm a slow learner.)  Then I texted our pediatrician.  Then I called Dr. R's cell.  (He didn't answer.)  Then I FINALLY called the oncologists office and the completely inept guy who answered the phone at 4:30 told me to wait 31 minutes and call back so I could talk to the answering service because the nurses and doctors were gone.  After coming completely you've never seen someone loose it until a mom is trying to get her sick cancer baby taken care of...I not-so-sweetly demanded Dr. T's* pager or cell phone number.  Immediately. 

*Dr. T is Dr. R's partner.  We like him about as much as we would like to get a root canal everyday for a year.  His bedside manner is...ummm....nonexistent.

So I paged Dr. T who called me back and told me to call our pediatrician.  Great.  Excellent progress.

So I called Dr. Honey who was enjoying her day off with her children.  She told me to meet her up at her office.  Because she is beyond generous and awesome.  She swabbed Jude's throat and he has strep!  STREP!  He got one heck of a major shot of antibiotics.  So then we went on over to the hospital to get some blood work done.  Because a day is just not complete unless we've gone to the hospital. 

Meanwhile, Raine went by our house to swab James' throat to make sure he doesn't have strep too.  (Does anybody get how amazing our doctor and nurse are to take such amazing care of us?!?!  We are so so blessed!)

So by this point I was finished up at the hospital with Jude and headed home.  I picked up James and his throat culture to take it BACK up to the hospital...thus leaving Brad with a nice quiet house so he could finally finish his paperwork.

To extend Brad's peace and quiet I swung by Sonic with the boys.  I let James come up to the front seat and hang out with me while he ate.  He loved it and felt like such a big boy!  He said, "This is so much fun, isn't Momma!"  Yes, yes it was.
Jude, however, did not think it was fun. Maybe because he had a throbbing sore throat.  Just a guess.
He was so mad he threw the rubber duck he scored at the hospital for getting blood work out the door.  James was amazed by this.  He couldn't believe Jude would throw out a perfectly good duck.

So finally home sweet home I put James down.  I had Jude in our room with me (because Brad was STILL downstairs working) and heard some crunching coming from the other side of the bed.  I walked around to the other side and saw that Jude had discovered some rogue goldfish left by James.  He had been on Daddy's side of the bed eating them for a snack earlier and left a trail. 
 is amazing how fast a day can turn on you.  What I thought was going to be a great evening of celebrating Brad's last day...turned into my sweet little Judie Bug being so sick and a weekend full of cancelled plans so I can stay home and spoil him.

Psalm 5:11-12 But let all who take refuge in You be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread Your protection over them, that those who love Your name may rejoice in You. Surely, LORD, You bless the righteous; You surround them with Your favor as with a shield.
