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Brotherly Love

Oh my word....yall, last night was ROUGH!  James woke up at 2:30 am screaming because his legs hurt.  Growing pains I am assuming.  But his screaming woke up Jude which made Jude think it was time to eat.  So I took both boys downstairs, gave James some tylenol, fed Jude and watched cartoons.  Finally James was ready to go back to bed but insisted that I sleep with him in his bed.  I was too tired to argue with him so I did.  I do not have any idea how I slept on that bed for so many years because it is so hard.  I woke up sore all over like a little old lady.  I am so much older than I thought.  After such a rough night this is how we both woke up feeling....
Disheveled, confused, still sleepy, holding on for dear life...and I can't explain the one shoe thing.

But we pulled ourselves together, slapped on a smile, and got ready for the day.
Jamesie got to spend most of the day with his Nana going to lunch, the "scubby center", the grocery store, and finally to Nana's to play.  When he got home he was ready to spend some time with his brother. 
It makes me SO happy that they are finally getting along and playing together.  I think it has to do with sharing a room.
Ok...I'm going to go rub some Aspercreme on my sore aching old lady self and take some Geritol...perhaps drink some warm milk and go get a slew of cats.
