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Dazed & Confused here's the deal.  I have spent the last 3 days in a haze resulting from a nice little allergy pill/cough syrup cocktail I took on Monday morning.  I had some sort of crazy bad reaction to it and am just now feeling back to myself. I thought I was feeling badly before the meds...sheesh...they made it so much worse.  So after drinking approximately 4000 gallons of water and a good long 2 hour nap today, I am back to normal! For better or for worse. But not before falling down the stairs (again) last night and getting a lovely ginormous bruise on my hiney bo.  You would think with the ample padding I have back there I would've been just fine.  Butt I got James' spider man boo-boo buddy out of the freezer and iced it down.  So...note to self...dealing with allergies and sticking to cough drops and hot tea work just fine for me.  I called the pharmacy yesterday to ask what the heck was going on and she smugly told me that all of those side effect warnings you read on the back of the box just might happen and that I might not be able to tolerate that particular medicine.  Really???? 

I think the 3 day fog had begun to affect James as well.  He was looking a little bored.
So off we went to Sonic for a cherry limeade...his fave.  I think he likes it so much because I let him get in the front seat while we wait for the car hop.
When we got home Jude decided to polish of the rest of James' chicken fingers. He only has two teeth but managed rather well. The kid will eat anything and everything. That makes me like him even more.
After the sanity-restoring 2 hour nap we were ready to go!  It has never felt so good to feel good.  After dinner we played outside with the boys. James has some sort of weird fascination with pine cones.  Anytime we go on a walk and he sees some he collects them and puts them in a basket in our backyard.  There is one yard in particular that always has plenty.  He's particular though.  He won't touch the ones the squirrels have eaten on.  It freaks him out.  Anyhow, today he found the worlds tiniest pine cone and he was thrilled!
It was added to the collection.
Now that the boys are finally sharing a room I really think it has bonded them.  James has not been the hugest fan of his baby brother until now.  That is really why I have waited so long to move him into James' room.  But James has finally taken to him.  It only took 11 months.
He doesn't even mind sharing his Daddy with him.
Tonight after I had put the boys down I went into tell them they needed to quiet down and go to sleep.  I walked in thinking I was going to act all stern to get my point across but this is what I found instead.
James had decided to give up the comfort of his own bed to bunk with Judie Bug.  He also had added a few things...there were 3 puppies, 3 blankets, 2 pillows, 3 books, and 2 babies.  When I started to move him back to his bed, James said, "NO MOM!  I want to stay in Judie Bug's house!!"

A little bit of business/prayer requests:
I've mentioned before a few times about some of the concerns and problems we have with our oncologists office.  Not our oncologist in particular though.  I was supposed to have our monthly appointment tomorrow for Jude but I rescheduled so that I would be able to see Dr. R instead of his partner Dr. T.  Our appointment is now on Monday afternoon.  We will do the regular labs.  But beyond that I need to talk to him about the 2nd opinion we got from the specialist in Dallas as well as her recommendations.  I also continue to have a problem with a member of his staff.  It is tricky and I don't know how to handle it.  She acts one way to me (VERY difficult) and completely differently when he is around.  I've tried to discuss this with him in person with her in the room and via email but it is not working.  This is obviously a long-term relationship we have here so I don't know how to fix it. All I want for Jude is the very best care we can get for him and she is a road-block that I don't know how to get around.  Anyways, we just need wisdom on how to handle it as well as wisdom in considering the things the specialist has recommended.  We are also praying for wonderful results from Jude's labs this month.

Isaiah 26:3-4 You, Lord, give perfect peace to those who keep their purpose firm and put their trust in You.  Trust in the Lord forever; He will always protect us.


Steph said…
Consider me a prayer warrier for you and your family!
That picture of your boys in the crib is too cute... TOO cute. It left my insides feeling like mush it was so awesome!