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Today was just about as perfect a day as I've had in a long time.  We stayed home so Jude could rest and get better.  He seemed a lot less fussy than yesterday so I hope he is feeling better.  But what was so great about today was that we were all together all day and didn't have to be anywhere or do anything.

It was uncharacteristically cool, cloudy and breezy today.  Brad and I sat outside and drank a cup of coffee while the boys napped.

Then tonight, Brad and James grilled burgers outside while I made fried jalapenos and homemade potato chips.  Yummy!
After dinner James played some baseball and wowed us with his skills and cuteness.  (He is in his undies because we are once again taking a swing at potty training.)
James had gathered up all the balls from outside to put away and showed me his clever way of carrying them.  He was proud of himself.
Then we ended the night my favorite way...all snuggled down in bed together.
Today I was reading a blog I love to follow by Ann Voskamp and printed this off and put it on my fridge.  I love it and the sweet reminders of the joys of motherhood.
My Mom gave me this book One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp and I am loving it.  As I have mentioned before, I am not an avid reader.  It takes a lot to get me hooked but this book has.  I'm not that far into it yet though...but so wonderful.
