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Something Yummy

I am coming to terms with fact that my days might not calm down any as my sons get more and more active.  Now that Jude is so much more mobile it makes James more energetic.  They feed off each other.
I also realize that this means I am going to have to give up on some of my compulsiveness.
The house will only ever be clean when they are asleep.
And that is fine with me.  I guess.
Can you find the Jamesie under all the mess?
Now I need to talk to you about something very important.  One of Brad's favorite meals is meatball subs.  I usually just throw some chips on the table with it but tonight I decided to make some fried raviolis.  Because I am such a health nut and all.  You HAVE TO make these.  They will change your life.
I got the frozen raviolis from Wal-Mart. 
Boil them in salted water for about 3 minutes then put them on a couple of paper towels to sort of dry off.  Next heat up the oil to super crazy hot.  If it is not hot enough the cheese will bust out of the middle and they won't look so pretty.  Learned that the hard way.  Dip the raviolis in buttermilk, then in Italian breadcrumbs.  Lay them all out nicely on a cookie sheet as you coat them.  Carefully drop a few into the oil at a time.  Turn them over a few times until they are nice and brown.  Using a slotted spoon put them on a couple of towels to let the grease drain off.  After all of the raviolis are fried, sprinkle some Parmesan cheese on top and serve with marinara and/or ranch.  YUM!  Even James ate these and James eats almost nothing.  They are so good!

I had to run a quick errand after dinner and so when I got home I brought the boys dessert in bed.
I forgot to tell you yesterday that we got Jude's labs back for this month and they were within the normal range!  They even went down just a little which is GREAT!  Thank you Lord!  My little Judie Bug is doing so well!


bonnie said…
Those sound delicious! I will have to try them out! So glad Jude's labs came back in the normal range. I need to figure out when we're due for a check up again...I think we have another month. I need to call and get Emery's report from her hearing and vision tests. Have a great night!
Anonymous said…
Yay!!! So glad you got some good results!!! :o)

Those raviolis look amazing!!! I am so sad though - with training for the half marathon, I've had to swear off anything fried. :o( But once October 17th is past, bring 'em on!