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Oh my word. This morning I was walking from the dining room into the kitchen and happened to look up and see a wet spot on the ceiling...right under where the shower is upstairs. OH NO!
I can handle a lot of things. Home repairs are not one of them AT. ALL. Just ask my hubby. I don't handle disarray very well. I'm working on this. So I freaked out and called my Mom. Looooooooong story short. We had a plumber come out and diagnose the problem and give us an estimate. The insurance adjuster will be out tomorrow. When the plumber was here he stopped up the shower to determine if it is the base pan. It was. But then this happened.
And I FREEEEAKED out. It's so dark and angry. And big. Why did it get so big?!?!?! started dripping in a couple of different spots. WHY?
And stop doing that weird bubbly, hangy down thing!
And PLEASE stop dropping off in chunks!
So I hooked up this...a fan on a ladder. (My Mom's brilliant idea!) Please dry out and stop dropping ceiling chunks on the floor that Jude keeps trying to eat.
I hope the adjuster that comes tomorrow has better news for us than the plumber did. I really need this problem to go away. Soon. When I first got George he threw up on the rug and I flipped out and went and sat on the couch and prayed that it would go away...because I sure wasn't going to clean it up. Later I went back to check on it and it was gone! I was so pleased that the Lord answered my prayer. I called my Mom to tell her of this victory and she informed me that dogs eat their own vomit. Gag! The prayer was answered and that is all that mattered. That is what I am hoping happens...that I go downstairs in the morning and the scary mess is gone. I won't hold my breath though. cheer myself up I am looking at this precious little face.
I love my little Judie Bug!
Even if he eat ceiling chunks.


Steph said…
OH NO!!!! Prayers that it disappears asap.... or at the very least that ceiling taste like chicken for your precious, chunk eating Jude!