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A Good Attitude

You will NEVER guess where we went today???  The doctor.  Again. (Our home away from home) Jude's temperature went up again this morning and he was way cranky.  So he got another shot of antibiotic.  That would make 3 that he is on now.  I hate that he feels so badly.  And I hate that he has to be on so much medicine.  I know it is tearing him up.  We still haven't gotten back the results for the blood culture.  Then to top it off...James started running a high fever tonight.  I am praying the Lord will give them healing rest tonight and that tomorrow they will wake up completely well.

While we waited today, James entertained me by singing one of his favorite tunes...
He was such a good boy today at the doctor's office.  I told him I was proud of him for having such a great attitude.  When we were eating lunch with Nana he said, "remember about my attitoot?!"  He cracks me up.

And you will be glad to know that I went to the grocery store tonight and managed not to tick off a single granny.  I didn't even get cussed out.  Success.


bonnie said…
Sorry you had to make another trip to the doctor. I've been putting off taking Emery for about a week now. Guess I am going to give in and take her tomorrow because she has to be sedated for her hearing test next week and I need her to be well. Tired of the constant snotty nose!! Hope your boys feel better tomorrow!
Anonymous said…
Gosh, so sorry you can't get away from doctor's offices. That really stinks. For you and the boys! I hope by now you've gotten back the blood work you were waiting on. Waiting for results can be so stressful!