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Ear Plugs

Jude is a squealer. It's so loud. Like makes me dizzy and sometimes nauseated. It's that loud. My parents think it is great because they claim I was a squealer when I was little. I don't really know about that...I remember no such thing. But they believe I am getting my comeupins for all the squealing. I thought boys weren't supposed to be able to squeal so high-pitched and so loudly. How much longer until his voice changes? I need it to happen yesterday.


When I think back on my day...I like to imagine it in dreamy, hazy, blissful, peace and quiet. No ear-piercing squeals and screams. No fighting little boys. No food being flung at my face. No battles to get them to stay in their beds. Just dreamy, fuzzy, sweetness.

Then something crashes in their room and they both die laughing and screaming. Whatev. At least they are quiet when they are sleeping.


Steph said…
every little baby boy I know SQUEALS til my eardrums want to bleed... but just imagine how much nicer your life will be when they are in high school verses us girl mommies who have to deal with teenage angst and hormones and not cool enough wardrobes and boyfriend hunting... I would take squeals ANY DAY over that!