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Interview With Jamesie

I got another call from the other doctor at Children's today...his name is Dr. Harker-Murray.  He is SO nice!  He really tried to make up for all of Dr. Pass' shortcomings.  I appreciated his time so much.  He said that he is a father so he he understands how frustrating this all must have been.  That right there made me feel a lot better...just that understanding and kindness.  I trust that he will get the report to Dr. R.  I wish we had gotten to see him from the beginning.  We probably would have had an entirely different experience. is an interview with Jamesie.  Let me explain a few things.  "PPY's" are what James calls PBJ's.  Close enough.  And "sussies" are what we call little treats or snacks.  He was asking for a sussie after his nap and turned it into a song.


Steph said…
GREAT song... I see platinum albums in his future.
Jodie said…
Omg, this is so cute!! :)