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We've Missed Them

This is officially the longest my Mom and Dad have gone without seeing James since he was born...5 whole days. We had to wait until we were no longer contagious before we could go see them though. And that was today! James and I rushed over as soon as Mom got home from Bible study so we could soak up as much Nana and Papa time as possible.

James got right down to business hitting up Nana for some snacks. (And George got in on that action too). James ate up every bit of the attention they gave him. He told them his new word that he has learned since they've been apart..."HOT". This is used by James to describe not only things that are actually hot, but anything else he is not supposed to touch.I am so thankful for the part my parents have in James' life. It is such a blessing to me that they choose to spend so much time with him and love him so much. I know it will also be a blessing to James with the precious memories he will have of them all his life.

Proverbs 17:6-Grandchildren are the crown of the aged, and parents are the glory of their children.


And in other news...this is how James gets his toys out. With a vengeance.

But this is what he does when he's done...

I'm a lucky Momma.
