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Who Needs Collagen?

James may look like Brad but he definitely has the Pridmore mouth. We, collectively, are plentiful in the lip department.

Some more than others.I won't name names.They've often been referred to as "soup coolers"...among other things.

But today James took the voluptuousness to a whole new level. He fell and busted his lip on a chair today. It bled a lot and freaked me out.I called Christi, who is a pro in the boy-accident-don't-freak-out-department as well as the fluffy-lip-department. She calmly instructed me to get an ice cube in a wash cloth. So the trip to the emergency room that I was ready for was not needed. Whew. That was close.

But let me take a moment to tell you about how resilient and tough my little guy is. He rarely cries. He takes some major bumps without batting an eye.

So after a few little whimpers and maybe one teeny tiny little cry...he bucked right up.Started drooling.Rolled around.Laughed.And acted adorable.
But at the end of the day he was left with a big fat droopy lip. One that looks like it is too heavy to hold up.Poor kid. You can still see my carmexy kiss print on his forehead.


Anonymous said…
He and Laird are two peas in a pod!!! Tough guys! :)

Laird had a split lip last week, but it didn't swell much. Just think, some women PAY to have their lips look like James'!
Janna Padilla said…
Funny...audree did the exact same thing this past week. It looked bad at first but it's getting better.