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A Visit From Bean

Things on the bottle/sippy cup/meat/walking front are still pretty shaky. Although, Brad came up with the brilliant plan to cover up scrambled eggs with whipped lemon yogurt (gag!) to trick James into eating eggs and it worked!!!! Same color and texture so he never knew the difference. At least he got some protein. We are still giving him a bottle right before bed and I might just do that until he is 30 and everyone can just get over it.

Tonight our friend Bean came over. We love Bean. He is going to graduate school at Trinity in San Antonio and came into town for a visit. I have been sad and blue since he left me and moved so far away. He used to live in Amarillo, then he went to Lubbock to go to Tech. I went through withdrawals then but he was still close enough to get here in a when I had James...and like when Brad was having a bad day and we needed Bean to cheer us up...and like when I was really craving a Golden Light burger and needed him to come to town to join me. But then he moved alllllll the way to San Antonio and I've not been the same since. It's just too far. I hate it. Brad and I both claim Bean as our BFF but really he is more mine. He likes me more. It's true.See...this picture proves it. Please pay no attention to what I am wearing. It makes no sense whatsoever. And never mind my hair too. I have no excuses. I wish I did, but I don't. But you can only lounge around in horrendously mismatched pajamas with wonky hair in front of certain people. BFF's are one of those people.

So anyways, tonight he brought James a birthday present. James really loved the little froggy that Bean's Nana made! He carried it to bed with him.After I put James down, we got to have some real live adult conversation. Bean knows far too much about us. Probably more than he cares to know. I learned several things about both Brad and Bean tonight and I might never be the same. Ever.

"You could do a lot worse!"That is what Brad was saying when I took this picture. And that comment was in reference to a girl that Bean has dated that Brad and I think would be a good match for him. Sort of. girl will ever be good enough for him in our eyes...hence the "you could do a lot worse" thing.

Brad said my blogs are too long so I better go.


Zach said…
I must admit I laughed out loud several times while reading this post. Now I'm trying to remember what girl Brad was referring to with his "You could do a lot worse" comment.

Hope you guys have a great week. Love you all and can't wait to come back to Ama. Only 38 days.
Don't worry...I wear mismatched pj's too! HA! I love that there is someone else like me! tee hee hee...