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Getting Back To Normal

Yesterday after getting Addi squared away, I went to pick up Jamesie! I missed my little man. I don't think he missed me though because he always has so much fun with Nana and Papa.

But, when I picked him up guess what I found???? A top tooth!!!!!!! FINALLY!!!!!!! Hooray!!!!! He will be one next week and is just now sprouting those top chompers. I tried to get a picture of it but as you can see, he wasn't cooperating. I really had started to wonder if he was ever going to get those teeth. Addi is two months younger and already has both of hers.

Then James busied himself emptying out the cabinets as usual. (Note to self...must get baby latches!) In case you are wondering why he is naked...that is because twice he dumped out the dog water all over the floor and himself. I got tired of re-dressing him. He is a real challenge to dress. It's like trying to put clothes on an octopus. A wild octopus.

But being in just his diaper lead him to discover a new skill! How to remove his diaper! Which then led him to discover the treasures inside of his diaper. (Said treasures have been blurred to protect the innocent). So that is when Mommy figured out that no matter how hard it is...clothes are a must.

Then we had a fun time at dinner. Brad made Jamesie laugh the whole time. We were so glad to have him home. He is a real joy!
Then Brad had to leave to go do something work-related. James gave him this face.It was almost enough to get him to stay.

Tonight is church and then home for another floor date. That is what we do when our babysitters are out of town...(ahem...Mom and Dad...if you're listening). We'll call in take-out and have a floor picnic and watch a movie after James goes to bed. Actually I love it about as much as I love a real can go on a floor date in your jammies.

I hope you have a good weekend!


Celee said…
We watched Last Chance Harvey last night. I guess we're getting old, because we liked it:)