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My First Blog Award!

I am blessed at Miscellaneous Musing of a 5X Mom gave me my first blog award. Thank you so much! I am blessed shares her experiences of homeschooling, parenting, adoption, and serving the Lord on her blog. She is such a wonderful writer and has a wealth of knowledge and wisdom to share. I learn something with every post. I've known I am blessed for many years. She actually taught me to swim a long time ago! Ok...seriously I was pretty old (13) when I learned but better late than never, right? Her youngest baby and James are only 3 days apart. We are in the same CBS group and I am enjoying getting to learn more about her as well as getting the benefit of hearing her insightful responses to our weekly questions. Our moms are best friends and her whole family has been a precious part of my life for at least the last 20 years.

The catch is, to accept this award I must answer the questions below using only one word.

1. Where is your cell phone? James
2.Your hair? Nappy
3. Your mother? Perfect
4. Your father? Heroic
5. Your favorite food? Chocolate
6. Your dream last night? Weird
7. Your favorite drink? Coffee
8. Your dream/goal? Heaven
9. What room are you in? Living
10. Your hobby? Cooking
11. Your fear? Owls
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Here
13. Where were you last night? Home
14. Something you are not? Perfect
15. Muffins? Banana
16. Wish list item? Thinness
17. Where did you grow up? Texas
18. Last thing you did? Church
19. What are you wearing? Jammies
20. Your TV? Off
21. Your pets? George
22. Your friends? Lovely
23. Your life? Wonderful
24. Your mood? Stoic
25. Missing someone? Sisters
26. Vehicle? Mommobile
27. Something you’re not wearing? Shoes
28. Your favorite store? Target
29. Your favorite color? Pink
30. When was the last time you laughed? Morning
31. Last time you cried? Recently
32. Your best friend? Bradley
33. One place that I go over and over? Mom's
34. One person who emails me regularly? Mom
35. Favorite place to eat? Mom's

Now I get to award 6 of my favorite bloggers with the Your Blog Is Over The Top award.

1.) My first award goes to Wendy at Welcome to The Land of Poling. Wendy's wit and fabulous sense of humor are two of my favorite things about her. One day I sat and read her entire blog all the way through and laughed the whole time. She is also one of the most genuine, caring, giving and crafty people I've ever known. I consider myself blessed to be her friend. She also has a blog related to her sewing/craftiness called Sewing In The Wendy City...clever, huh? This blog is also wildly entertaining but it sort of makes me hate myself for being so untalented and uncrafty. I read it and pray some of her fabulousness will rub off on me.

2.) Jodie at The Perkins Girls. I grew up with Jodie. When my family and I moved to Texas from Tennessee, her family bought our house. I re-connected with Jodie on Facebook and have loved getting to see glimpses of her charming life and family through her blog. She is lovely through and through.

3.) Erin at The Adventures of Laird. I met Erin online. Doesn't that sound weird?!?! We were both pregnant with our little boys at the same time and I found her on a mom website. We've never met in person but I have truly loved getting to know her via email, phone, texts, facebook and blogs. One look at her little Laird and you will want to gobble him up. Cute. Cute. Cute.

4.) Zach at Minutes Become Years. Zach will probably not love getting this girly little award but since I consider him my BFF he must accept it. He is a dear and precious part of my life. He is single....oops...I meant a mature, successful, handsome, single...oops...there I go again....charming, single....dangit....comes from a good family, Christian, single...oh good gosh....and a wonderful guy. (Any interested single ladies out there, call me for his digits). But for reals...he is in my Top 5 list of the most awesome men of all times. And I seriously wish he would update his blog consistently.

5.) Sarah at Life Down The Red Dirt Road. I have known Sarah for probably about 23 years or so. We went to church together when we were little. She has a remarkable writing ability and should be a public/motivational/inspiring speaker. I wish she would also update her blog. She is also a FABULOUS cook. I have stolen several recipes from her that have become staples to our menu. She has like 60 children, a real live cowboy husband, and lives on a ranch in the middle of nowhere.

6.) Jen at Journey To Adopt Hope. I met Jen in Sunday School and liked her right away. I have thoroughly enjoyed her blog about their journey to adopt their beautiful baby girl Sydney Hope. It has been a real eye-opener for me about the trials of adoption. It is inspiring to read her blog and learn from her persistence, faith, and determination.

I immensely enjoy reading all of these friend's blogs and hope they keep up the entertaining, enlightening and enriching blogging!


Erin said…
So yeah, I found out about your blog because you gave me an award! Wow! Thank you!!!!!!