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Day One Of No Ba-Ba

I started out strong. Really, I did. Well...sort of. I had forgotten all about the whole ba-ba thing until I sleepily stumbled into the kitchen to get the cream out of the fridge for my coffee and I saw the sad, lonely, empty, hollow, desolate place where the ba-ba's used to live and I cried. Then I drank a whole bunch of coffee and prayed for the strength to fill that stupid ugly sippy cup with milk and prayed he would drink it from the goshawful cup and then prayed he wouldn't starve to death from lack of milk.

Our normal routine in the morning is for me to wake James up and sing the wake-up song, change his diaper, then snuggle down under a blankie and feed him his bottle while we watch something riveting on tv. But this morning, the new revised schedule was...wake-up song, diaper, high chair, cereal, sippy cup. Big changes. And they were not readily accepted.

"And you want me to do WHAT with this cup????"And then the tears started. For James too.
So he got some yogurt. He loves yogurt.A lot.
So we went to Nana and Papa's for lunch. Our goal was to get him to eat meat. And we did it! He ate some meat. Never mind the fact that it was battered and deep fried and covered in lemon sauce from My Thai. Nana also got him to drink half a sippy cup of milk.

Dinner time. I dreaded it. He wasn't taking the sippy cup. He wasn't eating meat. I knew all he wanted was his bottle. So I did what any compassionate mommy would do. I gave him a crunch candy bar, yogurt and sweet potatoes. See, it wasn't all bad! Sweet potatoes are a "super food", right? Right.

So I got him all ready for bed and walked straight to the kitchen, dug out a ba-ba, filled it with milk, heated it, and snuggled down with my baby and fed it to him. There it is. I caved in. I couldn't do it. I'm weak. Very very weak. The whole time I was heating it he was bouncing up and down and whimpering. My heart broke into a zillion little pieces. But at least I know he went to bed with a full tummy...and no ba-ba withdrawals...for him or me.


Celee said…
I think it was a successful first day- you did get him to eat meat.

Lucie loves her baba and it's her favorite word. It would break my heart to take it away from her so I'm going to wait a bit. She will drink CapriSuns out of the little straw and can use a sippy cup, but doesn't like to:)
apryl said…
Hey steph, we cut out all bottles except for bed for a couple of weeks and then started giving it to him in a sippie with dinner. He did great....just keep at it, it takes time but eventually they catch on