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Accidents & Injuries

This morning started off with a bang. Literally. Brad's normal routine is to take his underpants and undershirt to his bathroom, go turn on the coffee pot, shave, shower, get dressed, eat, and leave. Well, while walking to the bathroom he tripped over two pair of shoes I had left in the doorway and stumped his toe. That brought a small bit of grumbling from him and a little bit of laughing from me as I lay in bed. Then he went in to his bathroom and I heard a really loud thud....followed by LOTS of choice words that I have NEVER heard come from Bradley's mouth...ever. By this point I had to bury my face in the covers to stifle my laughing. This is a very twisted and demented side of my personality...I'm not proud of it...but I find it hysterically funny when someone gets hurt. Not bad hurt...just mildly hurt due to clumsiness. Like on America's Funniest Home Videos when the kid runs his bike into the side of the house and goes flying off, or the kid swinging the stick at the pinata and hits his Dad...those get me every time. This is a real character flaw...I'm working on it. I relapsed today. Lord forgive me.

Anyhow, I got up to shave Brad's head (this is normally a Monday morning thing but I was a little busy this week) and I said in a highly controlled and concerned voice, "Honey, it sounded like you may have bumped into something???" To which he VERY grumpily replied, "You'll see in a minute!" That's when I saw this...Bless his heart.

So then James was pulling open one of the drawers on one of our end tables. Open and close it. Open and close it. I repeatedly told him "no" but he tenaciously continued. Then he pulled one drawer just a little bit too far and it came crashing down on his bare little foot. He screamed for 5 solid minutes. I cried too. Don't you know how bad it hurts when something lands on your foot? Ouch! Poor baby. It actually bled. You can't tell from this picture but it was bad.The boo-boo is there on his biggest piggy. Gosh those are some cute little tootsies!

My two injured boys...
And one last thing. I have to tell you about the scrumptious meal I had tonight. Cheesy potato soup, crescent rolls, and a homemade chocolate cream pie with the most beautiful meringue you've ever seen. I didn't make it for myself. The most lovely and wonderful person in the entire world brought it to me. Thank you and I love you!

So tomorrow is CBS and I am hopeful that I will make it through the morning without getting paged out of class to go get James from the nursery. If that happens it will be the first time. But I have hope that tomorrow will be the day! Please Lord let tomorrow be the day!


Celee said…
Surely after all the mishaps today, tomorrow will go smoothly!