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One Year Check-Up

Today James and I missed CBS because he had his one year well-check! Can I just tell you how un-fun that was? He got 4 shots in his darling little legs. He did that open-mouth-no-noise-coming-out-crying thing that rips my heart plum out of my chest. But then once he got his 4 bright and shiny band-aids he was a-ok. Brad and I weren't...but James was. We are still trying to recover from the heartbreak and trauma of it all.

I also got a firm (in a sweet kind of way as only Dr. H can) talking to by our pediatrician. Apparently James, being one year old and all, should not be drinking from a bottle still, should not be eating only baby food, should not be using a walker, should be walking on his own, should be eating meat, should be taking vitamins, should not be getting a whopping 40 ounces of milk a day, and should have a slightly smaller head circumference. Those first few things are my fault...that last one is not my problem. God made his head and I happen to think it is perfect and beautiful in every way.

So she sent me on my way with strict instructions to put up all of his bottles so I wouldn't be tempted to feed him with them (she knows me too well). To get him to eat meat. To give him his vitamins. To put away his walker until he learns to walk properly. To only give him 24 ounces of milk a a sippy cup!!! To stand in front of him and hold his hands to make him walk. And to come back in a month so she can re-measure his big ol nugget. I am totally thankful for her direct talk with me though. Sometimes I need things spelled out for know...first time mommy and all. And beyond being James' pediatrician, I truly believe that she and Lorraine (i.e. the worlds best nurse EVER) care for us as more than just another patient. I am sure they make all their patients feel that way. They are just awesome like that. (If you are ever in the market for a pediatrician, holler at me and I'll give you her name).

He is absolutely 100% perfect in every other way though. He is built just like Brad...tall and skinny. He is in the 25th percentile for his weight and the 95th percentile for his height.

I've just sterilized the last bottle and put it away. Now I am going to go get under the covers and cry. And then when I wake up in the morning I am going to cry some more...especially when I give him that stupid sippy cup with a teeny tiny little bit of milk in it and he looks at me with those big blue eyes and wants his "ba-ba". I'm going to be strong! I'm not going to cave! maybe


Celee said…
First of all, Lucie still drinks milk from her baba 4X/day and is not yet walking.

Second of all, I actually forgot about her 1 yr doctor's appointment.

I haven't had her 1 yr picture taken, yet, either.

Don't cry- James is perfect and you're a great mom!
Amy said…
Hi there. I found you from I am blessed!'s blog and I just had to comment. My oldest, now 16, 6 feet tall, healthy, strapping boy, had a bottle until he was almost 3! And he hated meat until he was about 4-5, wouldn't take vitamins, and has a large head. And my 14 month old still likes to nurse more than food, won't take vitamins or eat much of anything (except he loves lasagna!) and gets up numerous times each night. God makes them all different, and as long as they are growing, developing and healthy, it's all good! He is a doll.
The Vinyards said…
Give James his bottle back! Your pedi does not live with you!! You are the mom & you know what your child needs. I have a 6 year old that still sucks her thumb & sleeps with her blanket. I would rather her have that comfort now than me pay for the therapy later! Seriously though--make your own decisions with Brad about James. Also, I just recently (last 2 years) started giving my kids vitamins (10 & 6 years old). I don't understand why they will let kids nurse til they are 2 but will not let them have a bottle after 1 year. Interesting??!! You are a great mom!!
Erin said…
So I am completely behind the times because I didn't even know you had a blog! Works blocks EVERYTHING now, so even though I can update my blog from work, I can't see who's following my blog or anything like that. So I am so sorry for not reading your blog! You probalby thought I was so rude.

Anyway...Laird still drinks his raw milk out of a bottle. He drinks juice and water out of a sippy, but the milk comes out of a bottle.

There's nothing wrong with baby's just more expensive than regular food. Laird eats all table food (he's over 13 months now!), and runs ALL OVER the house. He's a scream. I don't give him vitamins...I just make sure he eats several servings of fruit/veggies a day and drinks his milk.

I agree with your friend who said you and Brad know best for James. Trust your instincts!