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What a day! My sweet little sister-in-law Karin is extremely sick. I dropped James off at Nana's and went to see what I could do to help Karin. I ended up taking her to the hospital where she has been admitted. She is 7+ months pregnant and extremely sick. I have never in my life seen someone in so much pain and so sick. Bless her heart. I brought Addi home with me and James is spending the night at Mom's.

I'm praying for her quick recovery and that no one else gets sick. Poor little thing. I hope she is able to rest in the hospital tonight.

Have I bragged on my nurse lately??? Well, I should. Her name is Lorraine and she is absolutely without any doubt God's gift to this earth. She is so dear. I was concerned about Addi because she hadn't eaten in several hours (she's been very sick as well) and I called Lorraine to ask what to do. She was up at the office working late and let me come up there. She is such a hero. Honestly, I don't know what we would do without her. Probably just sit around and cry a lot. She got us all fixed up so hopefully we can make it through the night. I will take Addi in to see Lorraine and our pediatrician (another one of God's gifts to this her!) in the morning.

If Brad, James and I make it through this unscathed I will be so grateful! And I hope that Karin is better very soon! Like right now.

I don't have a picture of Karin or Addi on my computer right now so I will post a picture of James...because my heart is aching for him. Seriously, I get all sorts of disconsolate and weepy when I am away from him for too long.
