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Sleep? Who Needs Sleep?

Addi and I made it through the night. She drank 4 oz every two hours and would go right back to sleep when she was done. Right now we are waiting to hear from the doctor to find out what to do going forward.

While she is sleeping right now James and I are having a little Mommy-Jamesie time. Someone smart should invent a coffee iv for Mommies. This has seriously made me wonder if I am cut out for more than one child. Brad and I have always thought we would want 3...but seriously...I don't know. This is not a decision that should be made amidst the fog of sleep deprivation. Or maybe that is exactly when it should be made. But wait! It's the hospital stays and stuff that have made this difficult. Not the two kids.
Ok...there is some cartoon on right now that is further turning my brain to mush and making me have some rage towards whoever invented it. Must. Sleep. Now.
