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Strep And Redecorating

Big plans. That is what I had for today. But I woke up feeling a little bit puny. Then I ate two donuts and drank some coffee and felt better. Never mind the fact that I had a 100.4 temperature.

Dr. H called this morning to let us know that James' lab work came back and sure enough he has strep throat. Poor baby! That is what caused the 104.3 fever and all the crankiness. He also has developed some little blisters on his hands and maybe in his mouth that they think is hand, foot, and mouth disease. Ick.

But after lunch with Mom we came home to start on my BIG plans to redecorate the whole house and I began feeling terrible. I could barely swallow. Brad got the flashlight and looked around in my throat...and sure enough we think I have strep too. So when I go to the doctor tomorrow, that will be the 4th doctor appointment in as many days.

So back to my big plans. A few weeks ago we had something major done to our air conditioner up in the attic. I am not sure what because the attic is out of my jurisdiction. But while they were up there working I heard a loud crash. Sure enough one of the guys dropped his drill and busted a hole through the ceiling in our bedroom. The boss said that he would fix it for us and he had a carpenter that worked for him. Great! Yeh....great until it took 2 weeks to get one simple hole repaired.
I have mentioned before that Brad and I are both type-a, very tidy, very organized, teetering dangerously close to ocd people. I get all out of sorts and cranky when the house is a mess. And considering that we had to move furniture and deal with the mess of this "carpenter" (I use that term very loosely), I was not a lot of fun to be around. At. All. Add to that fact all of the stuff we've had going on with James and that adds a whole new dimension of crankiness that we had not seen from me before.

So that is what lead me to start thinking about redecorating and made me get all unhappy with all of our furniture and decorations. I took several of our frames out to the garage and painted them black. I puttied all the nail holes in the walls and painted over them. Clean slate!

Like I told you yesterday, I couldn't quite talk Brad into a new house or new furniture, so I had to make my peace with rearranging. We talked and talked about the different arrangements we could do.

Sooooooooo.......what did we end up with?????????

The exact same arrangement that we had before. We tried it every way we could think of and nothing worked. We are so boring. I am so bummed. I need a professional decorator to come and tell me where to put everything. Actually, sometimes I wish I could take every single thing in this house outside and have a decorator come and put it all back where he or she thinks would look good. Never mind.

James and Puppy got in on the action too. "Get to measurin' kid!"
We did hang the pictures in different places and they look lovely in their new black frames. And maybe tomorrow if I am feeling better I will finish hanging stuff up. I am just tired of the overly-decorated, cluttered look.

(Bless his heart...he thought I was taking a picture of him).
Living room...
Hmmm...our walls look white in the pictures but they are actually a very pale green.

Now James and I are both sick and tired and pathetic. But at least we squeezed in a little snuggle time before bed. I hope we are all better tomorrow.


Celee said…
You sure get a lot done sick! I think the frames look awesome! Your home looks so beautiful I was thinking maybe I could take all my furniture outside and let you come and rearrange it for me.