Home sweet home! James and I are so glad to be back. We had a busy and hectic weekend...well...first part of the week actually. I missed Brad and was so glad to get home to him. James is not so much of a great traveler as I have hoped he would be. So when we go places we take the little DVD player and put on Baby Einstein. We don't have one of those fancy schmancy cars that already has the player in the car. So I had to get all sorts of inventive in a Clampet/redneck sort of way to rig up the player with bungee cords and baby clips. But heck...we got the job done and James was happy. Just think what all I could have done if I had had some duct tape! Dang! Finally we got to my sister, Carrie's house. James has not met a dog he doesn't like and he fell flat in love with Carrie's dog Chloe. Who wouldn't!?!?! She' precious. I wanted to sneak her into my pocket and bring her home. This is Chloe and my beautiful niece, Morgan. Monday morning was set as...