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Dinner & A Movie With Mom

Last night Mom and I went to see the movie Julie & Julia. Love. It. It was such a great movie. Both Mom and I love to cook...and eat...and anything else that has to do with food. So if you like those things too, you will love this movie. It was darling.

After the movie we went to eat at Outback and that was fabulous too. She introduced me to the wedge salad which I have never had before and honest-to-goodness if I had one in the house right now I would eat it for breakfast. So good. Instead I settled for 2 chocolate chip cookies and a cup of coffee.

And about those chocolate chip know the difficulties I have with them...major difficulties...well my Mom whipped up like a zillion batches of them (show-off!!!) yesterday and gave us a HUGE bag of them. I doubt they make it through the weekend. Delish. I am sitting here blogging my son is making it abundantly clear that he DESPERATELY needs my attention. As well as a comb run through his hair.

"Here, let me turn that off for you, Mom."

But before I go...have I told you how much I love his little chunky feet? I love them! They are the cutest feet ever in the history of the world. And I love when he stands on his tippies.
