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We Did It!

Hooray! It is over! We did it!

Brad kept James up until 11:30 last night while I slept and then I got up at 3:00 a.m. and woke him up. He wasn't real happy about that but soon perked up to his sunny little self!

And let me just tell wonderful Mom gets the Nana and Mom award of the year! She got up and met James and me and Wal-Mart at 4:00 a.m. We walked and walked and walked all over that store for 2 hours. But it did the trick! It kept him (and me) awake.

So we got to the hospital and the technician, who I now know is named Felicia, hooked him all up again. And he screamed and cried. She even wrapped his whole little head in that white bandagey stuff so the electrodes wouldn't come off again. You know how on soap operas they wrap the actors head's up in those white bandages when they have concussions or are in the hospital for any reason at all...and they look like great big light bulbs? Well...that's what she did to James. It was real sad looking. But the second she shut those lights off his head hit my chest like a ton of bricks and he was out! And he slept for the entire hour! Thank you Lord!!!! And thank you to those who prayed!

Felicia will overnight the results to Lubbock and we will hear something next week.

I don't have any pictures from today so I'll post one from when we did this Tuesday. Same idea...just different jammies.


Sarah Hammer said…
so i get the "worse friend of the year award". i have been thinking so much about you and i have been meaning to come check out your blog. i knew i wasnt hearing much from you lately, and i had a feeling something was up. but i never persued it. i am so sorry to hear you have had to go through this. i cant imagine how its been for you. i will be praying for your peace. and that sweet baby james will be fine. im here if you need me.