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A few weeks ago when we were at the cabin, James started making a cute new face. I actually posted a picture of it because I thought it was so cute. Well...over the next few weeks he kept doing it more often and it would last for longer periods of time. Then he started turning his arms out when he was doing it. It really started to worry me because I felt like it was some sort of a spasm. I called the pediatrician and she asked me to bring in a video of it. I did and it concerned her enough to send us for an EEG.

Tomorrow morning we will be doing that. It is very terrifying to think of something being wrong with your baby. But I am trusting the Lord and knowing that He loved James first and He loves him more than I do. None of this has taken the Lord by surprise. He knew this was going to happen and He knows the outcome. So I can rest in that.

We have to wake James up at 5:00 in the morning to deprive him of sleep. Not looking forward to that! The EEG will take a couple of hours and then we will get the results in 1-2 weeks. And can I just tell you how NOT good I am at waiting. Not good at all. I like things done yesterday.

Brad is convinced it is just behavioral and isn't too worried. I wish I could say the same. I was hoping that our doctor would take one look at the video and say, "Oh...that is absolutely behavioral....nothing to worry about!" That is not the answer I got. At all. So about 99billion times a day I am reminding myself that James is in the Lord's hands. He is going to be fine. I can trust the Lord. I can and I will.

Do not be anxious about anything but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving present your requests to God. And the peace of God which transcends all understating will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7

So anyways...if you wouldn't mind keeping James in your prayers, we would be so thankful.


Wendy said…
Steph, so sorry to hear you have to go for tests tomorrow! Will pray for you guys--can I do anything for you?
apryl said…
you're in our thoughts and prayers... I hate that they have to send them to lubbock to be read, but just be patient! It will all be fine
Stephanie, everything is going to work out fine. It is probably just a doctor being overly precautious which is good but absolutely nothing to worry about at this point. I hate the fact that you have to wait so long for the results. Just keep clinging to scripture, fill your mind with the things of God so that doubt and fear will have no room to creep in. Keep us informed.