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Laundry & Farmers

Laundry, laundry and more laundry. Piles and loads of laundry. This has to be the worst part of going out of town, right? Well, maybe not in my case. I also have gotten 2 lipfulls of fever blisters due to some superfluous stress. I'd take a picture and show you but you would gag. So I'll show you a picture of my adorable fever blisterless baby instead. He's way cuter to look at anyways.

We went to the farmer's market this morning and it was pretty lame. There were only like 5 booths and no good tomatoes. I did get some corn on the cob, cantaloupes, and a watermelon. Boring. I think it is better on the weekends so I am going to see if Brad will get up early with me and go. Or maybe I'll just go to the grocery store and save myself the trouble. We'll see.
