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Catching Up

Oh my goodness....I have been without my computer for 2 whole days! I got it back tonight and I will never let it go again. Unless it gets another virus.

So as you know...we are waiting to hear the results from James' EEG. I thought there might be a slim chance that we would hear something today but we didn't. Hopefully it will be this week though.

Today was my Dad's birthday and we celebrated with him and Mom tonight. Mom always makes the birthday boy or girl their meal and cake of choice. Yeh...she's awesome like that! Dad chose chicken fried steak, cream gravy, fried okra, potatoes and onions and a German Chocolate Cake. He's my hero! was SO good. AND I got to bring home some cake to have for breakfast! This concept still baffles Brad. Cake for breakfast. I can tell that he would REALLY like to forbid me to eat cake for breakfast but being that I am an adult, he cannot. And the fact that it bothers him only makes me want it more. I'm rebellious like that. Gosh...that was a tangent. Sorry.

During dinner we noticed that James was acting sort of drunkish. He couldn't stay upright in his highchair and he was all glassy-eyed. He had his two best buddies, Monkey and Puppy, who had apparently gotten wasted with him. They couldn't stay upright either. Finally I remembered I had given him some Benadryl for his runny nose before we went to Mom's. It does the same thing to me.

The picture that I posted earlier on Dad's happy birthday blog was of the two of us when I was one year old. My Mom has it in a frame in her kitchen. I think I look like James does now...or he looks like I did then. Whatev. He is about the same age now as I was then. Good grief...could I have made that any more confusing? Anyhow, I love this picture of Dad and me. It is one of my favorites.

So earlier today I was being bored without my computer and mindlessly watching lots of tv when I realized that it had gotten strangely quiet in the house. As a mom, you know that is never a very good sign. I turned around to look for James and found him rummaging through the pantry.
He found his juice boxes. And in an effort to get out of trouble...he offered me one.
And it worked. How in the world could I be mad at that little angel face?!?!

Then I let him drink all the juice boxes he wanted.

Now on a completely unrelated note...I was reading my friend's blog tonight and was really affected by one of her posts called Dirty Dumpsters. I was struck by the simplicity yet weightiness of this example. I felt sad as I read through it until I got to the line that says, "By the grace of God, the story does not end with our depravity." Ahhhhh....relief!!!!! Thank you Lord that we are saved by grace...and that because of Your forgiveness, You don't see us as the "dirty dumpsters" that we are . Thank you that my story does not end with my depravity. What a great reminder! And what a great post!

Now I must go to bed and dream about eating cake for breakfast!
