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Home Sweet Home

There's no place like home. There's no place like home.

But there were lots of good times at the cabin.

Picnics...4-wheelers... Relaxing...Hiking... Campfires, s'mores... And much more.

We took an all girls 4-wheeler trip and we went down to a river at the bottom of the mountain. And let me just tell you as a side note...I have an unreasonable fear of big dogs. I just don't love them a whole lot. So anyways, as we were getting to the bottom of the mountain this wolf looking huge animal comes running out of the trees. We went ahead and went down to the river and started to walk down and I took this picture of him...
Right after I took this he started running toward me and I flipped out...and not just a little bit. I mean I screamed bloody freaking murder and ran as fast as I could back to the 4-wheeler and climbed on the back of it as high up as I could get and curled up in a ball. My sisters and nieces were laughing at me...hysterically. And I cried. A very similar event happened 2 years ago at this same river with a snake. I think it would be wise for me to stay away from this river. Far, far away. Anyhow, come to find out, this is an actual dog, named Bandit, or Nan...not sure which. I really could have swore it was a wolf. A vicious one too.
James had so much fun with his cousins. I can't wait until he is a little bit older and can enjoy running around with them.
He also got in a lot of snuggle time with all of his aunts and uncles.
And he started making this cute new face which I think is absolutely adorable!On our last night there we had lots of fun down at the campfire.

So there was lots of fun had at the cabin but I am glad to be home and to get back to our little routine. It's good to get away but it's a wonderful thing to come home.
