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Mommy Duties

I gotta hand it to you working mommies. I don't know how you do it day after day! I helped out up at the church today and I am tired, want to cuddle with James, don't want to fix dinner, didn't make the bed, didn't do any laundry, didn't do any dishes, didn't get enough coffee, didn't iron Brad's clothes for work, forgot to feed the dog, thinking of having chili dogs for dinner (gag), and got teary at least twice before I dropped James off at Mom's because I didn't want to leave him.

I am more grateful than ever to my sweet husband for providing for this family so that I get to stay home with our baby and raise him and play with him and see every cute little thing that he does. It has also made me thankful that I GET TO take care of this house, fix all the meals, and do the laundry. Amazing how just one day of "working" (I say work...but it was more like fun) can make me so abundantly thankful for all of those things.

When I got to Mom's to pick James up I loved how he felt in my arms. I squeezed and kissed him to pieces. I know that we could probably have and do more if I worked, but for me, it wouldn't be worth it. I don't need to have time "to be an adult", or to be away from James or to just get out. I love being with him. The things that we could have or do if I worked would come at an awfully high price. One that I am not willing to pay. I thank the Lord for providing this job for Brad and for Brad being willing to make sacrifices for me to get to stay home. What a blessing!

Here is another random piece of useless information for you. I hate going to the dentist. No...I loathe it. And I have to go tomorrow. I will probably lose sleep over this. Last time I went I had to get a cavity filled and when they gave me the gas I breathed it in as deeply as I could. Then I told the little dentist helper girl that I wasn't feeling it so that she would turn it up. (Please Lord forgive me.) So she did and I guess I either fell asleep very very deeply or passed out or blacked out or went to another land or something because the next thing I knew the dentist was shaking me and calling my name and told the little helper to leave me on the oxygen for awhile. Darn! When I came to and was getting lectured by the dentist I told him I was just really afraid and he told me next time he would just give me a Valium. Unfortunately, we've changed dentists. I've never been to this one before. I am afraid he won't understand my deep fear of all things dentisty. I'm dreading it.

Now I need to take a nap before I go slave over that hot stove to heat up a can of chili.
