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Wednesday's Activities

Today I went to the church to be trained for a volunteer position. I think it is going to be lots of fun. The people at our church are so lovely. They are about to start Saturday evening services at the end of this month and Brad and I are way pumped about it. We love to sleep in and be lazy on the weekends so this will provide us the opportunity to do that TWICE in one weekend! I am pretty sure the bible has lots to say about not being lazy so perhaps I should rephrase that...ummm....we like to be unindustrious...lacksidasical...indolent???? And perhaps I should further rephrase that to say that I like to be unindustrious...Brad is incapable of unindustriousness. Anyways....YAHOO for Saturday night church!
Today I fixed dinner in the crock pot. YUMMY! I love dinner in the crock pot. I feel all sorts of clever when I do that. It's like I have saved time somehow. I don't know a whole lot of reasons that I really need to save time since I get to stay home and play all day...but I guess I saved time so I can play more. Whatev. Tonight I fixed shredded beef tacos.
Yeh...I get that this picture makes it look like a big bowl of slop...but I promise it is DELISH! You might just have to trust me on this one.

Tomorrow my sister-in-law is coming over and I am super excited because Addison has started crawling and I can't wait to see it! She and James are going to have so much fun crawling all over together.
Friday my Mom and I are having a date night. My Dad is going to be out of town so I just need to talk Brad into taking care of James for me. We want to go see a chick flick and go to dinner. I think if I tell him that if he does this it gets him out of going to see this movie with me, he will probably agree.

Gotta go make some brownies for the hubs! Have a great night!


jamee floyd said…
You'll love Saturday night church!! It's the best thing ever!