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I Caved In

Ok, so I have always secretly (and maybe to my sisters) ridiculed bloggers. I thought it was so self-absorbed and arrogant. Then I realized that I really do enjoy reading what people blog...about themselves, their kids, their husbands, their hang-ups. And not just people I know, but random people that I've never met. Why would I care!?!? I just do. It is just interesting to see how other people live and what they think. So I'm going to give it a shot. Maybe my Mom will be the only person who ever reads it (thanks mom!) but maybe it will be fun. Maybe I will find out I am the most boring person in the world with nothing to say. O-well.

So, I have an incredible wonderful hubby named Brad and the most beautiful wonderful son in the world named James. More on them later.

I am a saved-by-grace born again Christian. I am a stay-at-home-wife and mommy. I've got amazing parents that I adore. I have two wonderful twin sisters. And a little dog named George. now I have to go clean the kitchen and I will get to the nitty-gritty later. Bradley is out mowing the lawn and I don't want him to come in and see me being lazy. (Although I think he has a hunch).
