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Spidey Sense

I knew it would be a spider! I just knew it! I am not scared of very many things. I'm not scared of strangers, or the dark, or scary movies, or someone breaking in a killing me while my husband is out of town...but spiders. I'm scared of spiders. And they never show up when Brad is at home. Never! But of course, as I was sitting in the chair a big giant black spider (bigger than a quarter!!!!) comes crawling across the fireplace thingy a mere foot from where I was sitting! There is this uncontrollable scream that comes out of me when I'm scared and it is really high-pitched and loud. ( I come by it quite mom does it too with crawly things...lizards in particular). I ran and got the Raid and sprayed enough to kill the entire population of spiders and then ran to my bedroom for safety. I was all hot and tingly and goosebumpy. I had repressed the memory until I came out this morning and saw this... Let that serve as a warning for any spiders that even think about coming to my house while Brad is gone! I just realized that Raid is for ants & works really well on spiders too. So does oven-cleaner and hairspray in a pinch.

I can't find the dead spider though. I am choosing to believe that the Lord, in all His infinite mercy and love, divinely intervened and removed him during the night. When I was single and lived in an apartment, I always was lucky enough to live by guys that I could run and get to solve my bug woes. Now all of our neighbors are old. I swear it is like we live in a retirement community. They are grumpy too. They wouldn't move fast enough with their walkers even if I could get them to help me.

When we first moved in there was a great big ginormous wolf spider that jumped. I swear he did. He jumped up on the ottoman and I very nearly died right there on the spot. It was also at night and I called the exterminator and DEMANDED that he come over right away and spray the house. He laughed. But he came first thing the next morning. that my worst fear is all over I can relax and enjoy the rest of the week!
