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I am missing my hubby a lot this morning. So I thought I would blog about him. (Plus he's not here to tell me I can't).

Brad will be 30 tomorrow. Yes...I am older than he is. How sucky that he has to celebrate his 30th birthday on a work trip! That's parents had a super-fun birthday party for him before he left. And I sent a box-o-birthday-fun for him to open on the actual day. I am sure he will have to sneak off to somewhere private to open it and avoid embarrassment.

Anyhow, Brad is like Captain America or Superman or someone else super strong and muscly and heroic. He can do absolutely anything athletic and he is addicted to exercise. (Wow...the total opposite of me...I can do nothing athletic and I am allergic to exercise). He competes in triathlons and does exceptionally well. He was a swimmer in high school and actually went to the Olympic trials. He is really good. He loves to bike, run, do crossfit, lift weights, and anything else that requires lots of strength.

He can do anything! If he doesn't know how to do it, he will learn it and master it. Once he decides to do something, he will be the best at it.

He is the best husband in the world. The Lord truly knew what He was doing when He gave me Brad. He totally understands me. He knows exactly how to cheer me up. He gets my weird sense of humor. He is sarcastic and makes me laugh a lot. He is patient and forgiving. He loves coffee as much as I do. He makes the yard look really really pretty. He is a wonderful gardener. He is ocd like me on keeping the house clean and tidy. He has impeccable fashion sense. He always smells good. He leaves me sweet little notes when he leaves town. He killed a possum in our back yard with nothing but a metal pole. He has some really groovy dance moves. He eats everything I cook even when it is nasty. He values me staying home with our son. He loves the Lord. He is the world's best father. He loves our baby more than he ever knew he could. He changes stinky diapers. He is fearless, compassionate, strong, smart, and darn-near perfect. He's perfect for me.
