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Give Thanks In All Circumstances

Today Brad and I watched Pollyanna. I think that movie is around 17 or 18 hours long and my attention span is about 5 minutes tops. But it was good to see an old movie with great morals and a good message..."try to find something to be glad about in any circumstance". Haven't we heard that somewhere before? Oh yeh... 1 Thessalonians 5:18-Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.

We didn't go to church today because James has had a sore throat. We are supposed to get the strep test back from the lab on Monday. I doubt that he has strep, but I sure wouldn't want any other mommies bringing their kids to the church nursery if they weren't sure. This is the first time that James has been sick and I feel so awful for him. But I am "thankful" that this is all we have had to deal with and that overall, I have a very healthy happy baby. I was also "thankful" to get to stay home with my two favorite guys and get some things done today.

I make James' food instead of buying the kind from the store. It is healthier and cheaper. Two things I like. Anyhow...I was feeling all suzy-homemakerish today and decided to make up a few months worth of baby food to freeze. I made pear-apple sauce, asparagus, and whipped cauliflower to add to the lifetime supply of sweet potatoes, peas, squash and blueberries we already had. I love having a freezer full of baby food. Surely this is how the pioneer women felt when they got all stocked up for the winter or something like that.

I start James on a new food every Sunday. Some he likes and some he doesn't. His favorites so far are peas and apples...together of course. Who can blame him? Sounds delish. His least favorites are bananas, avocado, and as of today...asparagus. I don't feed him anything without tasting it first. And I have to say...that asparagus was horrendous. Clearly he thought so too. Bless his little heart. I made him eat it anyways.

"You have to be kidding me with this, right?"

"You aren't really going to make me eat another bite, are you?"

"So maybe I'll just spit it out. What are you going to do about THAT!?"

"More?!?!?! What's wrong with you!?!?!"

"I'm not feeling so well. I'm serious."

"I think I'm going to throw up Mom. For reals."

"Here it comes!!!!" he really really didn't like it. But it is so good for him!

Anyways...he seems to be perking up a little bit this evening. Maybe it was the asparagus that did it.
