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Back To Normal

I feel like my life is back to normal now. It is so good to have Brad back. He was so exhausted after getting home. He had a very strenuous week learning all sorts of Boy Scoutish things and out-doorsy type stuff. He spent the entire 8 days in a tent...on a cot...and now his back is all jacked up. That's what happens when you turn 30. It's all downhill from here. Let's hope he doesn't break a hip. Anyhow, needless to say, he was happy to be back in his own comfy bed.

I was all excited to make his favorite birthday cake (Zucotto) for him. Can you see the forced joy on his face? All he wanted to do was sleep and I made the poor man pose with his cake. I was going to get the candles but I realized I was really pushing my luck. O-well.
My little man was exhausted too. He fell asleep while I was feeding him his bottle. He hasn't done that since he was little bitty. I soaked it up! There is nothing better than holding a sleeping baby. I love it! Look at that sweet little mouth! Don't you just want to kiss those lips!

Today Bean ran some errands with us. Bless his heart...more shopping for baby stuff. When it comes time to shop for his own baby, he's going to be a pro! Then we all had dinner at a really bad Mexican restaurant. It was yucko.
And even though James isn't feeling tip-top, he was still an angel.
Afterwards, Brad and Bean got all caught up on their guy talk. I probably shouldn't have been in the room for most of what was said. I really realized just how old I am when Bean (who is significantly younger than Brad and I...but also significantly more mature) did some crazy kid hand motion thing that I had never seen before. I felt just like a dorky old granny. Do you remember the hand thing that they did on Friends? It was along those lines. He said it meant "boo-ya" which I said to myself..."note to self: ask Brad what 'boo-ya' means later???"
