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About Us

So this is Bradley and me. We met about 11 or 12 years ago. (He really tells the story best but I'll give you the highlights). He worked in a coffee shop that I went to every morning. He said that the first time he saw me he knew he would marry me. (Although I was temporarily unavailable at the time). So fast forward to 2004. Brad was in the Navy and sent me a letter asking me to get together when he passed through Amarillo on his was to California for Navy Seal training. I wrote him back and told him to call me when he got to town.

Two years later on July 14, 2006 we got married in my parents back yard. It was the perfect wedding and an even better marriage.

Two years after that came our sweet little surprise James Cary. Brad was finishing up his degree and I was working at a job that I loved. One Saturday morning at 5:00 a.m. I found out that I was pregnant. I very seriously nearly fainted. At that point, Brad was planning on going to law school and I had no plans of quitting my job. Our shock quickly turned to joy and excitement and we whole-heartedly trusted the Lord with our future. I didn't know how it would work out but I knew it would. The next several months were filled with more trials and heart ache than we ever could have imagined. My father was diagnosed with cancer, Brad decided not to go to law school, I decided to quit my job, Brad changed jobs, and the list goes on. But what a joyful end to that story...James Cary was born on October 9, 2008 at 8:30 p.m. He is named after my father. I never could have comprehended the flood of emotions I felt the first time I held him. I never thought I would get to be a Mom. It was over-whelming and euphoric. He is the greatest blessing in our lives.
