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This is mine and Brad's friend Bean. He is just about the greatest thing ever in the history of the world. We love him and we fight over him. (He likes me the best though so I don't really worry too much). He is one of those great guys that you can count on no matter what. He drove 2 hours to the hospital when I had James only to see him for 2 seconds and then turned around and drove right back. He's also our computer guru. He knows everything about computers. He makes sure we are up on all of the latest computer sort of things. He's the one who made me do FB and convinced me to do a blog.

He has been the unfortunate recipient of many gross stories that I couldn't tell a girl. He has made no less that 60 trillion trips to Babies R Us with me to buy baby things...mostly bottles for some reason. But most of all I really like to talk to him about what girl he is currently dating. This is riveting stuff for an old married gal.

He is really deep and spiritual and smart too. He's just the best. Check out his blog, it is really great. But one of the best things about Bean is that he loves my kid too! Love you Bean!
