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He's the second greatest love of my life. Maybe I'm a little bit biased, but I truly believe he is the most beautiful baby in the entire world. (Don't all mom's think that?) He is such a joy! Before he was born, my husband and I would sit around and talk about how we hoped we would love him as much as we loved George (our 4 pound maltese). Of course, the moment we brought James home from the hospital, George was thrown outside and has not be payed much attention to since. Except for the fact that James has taken an interest in him. The other day he tried to put him in his mouth. Gross. George happily tolerates the abuse because it is the most attention he has gotten in 8 months.

Back on James...he has started doing this high-pitched squeely thing. And it is LOUD! Really really loud. I'm hoping this will pass because he doesn't really understand what "shhh" means just yet. Mom said that I used to do it when I was little. She said it was really embarrassing in restaurants. Let's hope this in the only bad trait of mine he has inherited.

He drools a lot too. One of my sisters didn't have drooly babies. James drools enough for all of them! When are those teeth ever going to come in and will the drooling stop when they do? He is normally a very cheerful and delightful baby, but this week he has been a real grump. I blame it on the teething.

Ok, it is time for me to put him down for his morning nap. He has that glazed over semi-coma-like look on his face.
