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192 hours to go...

Brad left 1 hour and 37 minutes ago for a work trip sort of thing. He will be gone until NEXT FRIDAY! Besides the fact that I'll miss him and stuff, that means that diaper duty is 100% on my shoulders. :( Ick. He usually takes at least 3 of them a day and all of them on the weekend.

And without fail...something catastrophic always happens when he leaves town. For time he left for 2 weeks and this happened...

For anyone unfamiliar with what is going on here...this is a mega-collosal diaper blowout and it is totally disgusting and unnerving. And this doesn't really even do the damage justice. The poop was all the way up to his neck. The onsie had to be thrown in the trash...all the way out to the dumpster. This is how the little monster looked after the clean-up, trash run, and bath...

Doesn't he look victorious and proud of himself?

So I am wondering what will happen this week. I just pray it is not the week that a great big spider shows up or something happens that requires me to go up into the attic. I think I can handle anything else. We've lived in this house for 2 1/2 years and I have never gone up into the attic. It's too hot and there are lots of nails hanging down.

One thing is for sure...absence sure does make the heart grow fonder. I miss him already.
