Today James kept coming up to me and saying, "poo poo" and running to the bathroom. I thought it was clever of him that he had made the connection but it never occurred to me that he needed to go. Later it had gotten ominously quiet and I went to look for him and this is how I found him.
We have never talked to him about potty training and never sat him on the potty. He just decided all on his own that today was the day.
After several times of taking off his diaper, putting him on the potty, practicing wiping, flushing and washing his hands, he finally TEE-TEE'D IN THE POTTY!!!!!!!!! Brad and I cheered and danced for him! I am so proud of him!
Tomorrow he will get a special treat for such a big accomplishment!
Way to go Jamesie!!!!
After several times of taking off his diaper, putting him on the potty, practicing wiping, flushing and washing his hands, he finally TEE-TEE'D IN THE POTTY!!!!!!!!! Brad and I cheered and danced for him! I am so proud of him!
Tomorrow he will get a special treat for such a big accomplishment!
Way to go Jamesie!!!!