This morning I went and got Jamesie some big boy pull-ups and big boy undershirts! We also made a potty chart with stickers for when he tries to go tee-tee or poo-poo on the potty. He gets a piece of candy for successful attempts.
It is hard for me to give up putting him in onesies. I love onesies. It is like the last baby thing and now he is wearing big boy undershirts. Next thing I know he will be driving.
We spent A LOT of time in the bathroom today. I guess that is part of the fun of potty training.
By the end of the day I think he was a little bored with potty training and decided to make his own fun with the potty bowl.
Don't worry, it was clean.
And Jude managed to shove most of his hand in his mouth while he was sleeping. Wow.
We spent A LOT of time in the bathroom today. I guess that is part of the fun of potty training.
And Jude managed to shove most of his hand in his mouth while he was sleeping. Wow.