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Love And Lights

FIRST and most importantly...

BEAN AND LINDSAY GOT ENGAGED TONIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!CONGRATULATIONS and we love you both so much! I am so excited I can hardly stand it. And can you even believe I've kept a secret this long???????? I sure can't. Whew! I am so happy for these two. You know I think Bean is just the greatest thing in the whole wide world...and Lindsay is his perfect match! What a wonderful life they have ahead of them.

Now to break the news to James. This isn't going to be easy.

Speaking of James. Poor little guy still isn't feeling better. His temp was up to 102.5 this morning. Hopefully he will get better soon. I miss his sparkle. And so does Jude.This morning while I was getting ready, I looked over and this is what he was doing. Putting on my make-up. Silly boy.

Since I go CRAZY if kept inside for too long, we decided to get the boys out and go look at Christmas lights. Even though it was a balmy 60 degrees outside.We stopped off to get a Christmas coffee first. Yum! (Btw...don't EVER look up the calorie count on a Starbucks Christmas latte. Just don't. Enjoy them because they only come around once a year, and in my opinion, something that rare doesn't have calories.)Even though Jamesie didn't feel great...he was still a good sport. He is a little bit obsessed with lights for some reason and so this was a big thrill for him.The lights were great.One house even had carolers on their front porch.But the best house of all has their entire house covered in lights and set to music that you can tune into on your radio! James was fascinated and had to make sure Puppy got to see.Check out the video.

That was so much fun!On the way home we went down a street where every house for two blocks has lights.James was pretty amazed but was getting really tired and asking for donuts and his bed...proof that he is my son.
