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Animal Planet Has Nothing On Us

James seems to be feeling much better today. And believe it or not, after yesterday, I was brave enough to not only put James back in the bath...but made it a double with his little brother for the first time. Nerves of steel.Then it was off for more play time with the cousins.Jude snuggled with Nana.Christi's boys are so good with babies! It is so sweet!Will put Jude to sleep.Then it was time to "play blocks" when Brad got home from work.Jude took a nap and James made sure he had his glow worm...uhhh...glow seahorse to snuggle with.Brad and James had to take a break for some powdery sugar puppy chow goodness. When James wants a bite of something you have, he can ratchet his mouth open so wide it's alarming. It's similar to a snake unhinging his jaw before devouring his prey. Yikes. (FYI-I googled pictures of a snake unhinging it's jaw and it is far too graphic and disturbing for this sweet little blog.)
He is serious about his snacks.And it is a little terrifying to be on giving end of his feeding frenzy. Toddler teeth are sharp! You could draw back a nub if you aren't fast enough.Sometimes it is best to just let him go at it alone.The problem is that he doesn't like to get the powdery sugar on his hands. He hates the mess. (This comes from being the product of two type-a parents.) See the little white speck on Brad's pants. James was having none of it.He went and got a towel from the kitchen and cleaned up all of the powdery sugar he saw.
After dinner it was time to read. There is a picture of an ice cream cone in this book. James licked it. Maybe I need to teach him about the difference between 2 dimensional objects and real ones.Tomorrow James gets to see his BFF "J-James" as he calls him for some reason. He has missed him and they have some serious catching up to do.
